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趣书吧 > 芝加哥1990 > 第九十四章 准备弹药

第九十四章 准备弹药

h dosn't nd hs na up n lghts

H just ants to hard hthr

t's th at or th c

H fls so unlk vryody ls, alon

In spt of th fact that so popl

stll thnk that thy kno h

But fxxk '

h knos th cod

It's not aout th salary

t's all aout ralty and akn' so nos

Makn' th story akn' sur hs clqu stays up

That ans hn h puts t don

摩图拉办公室内,宋亚跟着节拍强烈的伴奏,将一大段RAP唱了下来,然后一指艾尔,“Al's pckn' t up, lt's go!”

艾尔随即接上,Who th hll s h anyay

H nvr rally talks uch

Nvr concrnd th status

ut stll lavn' th star struck

Huld through opportunts

gvn dspt th fact

That any sjudg h caus

h aks a lvn' fro rtn' raps

Put t togthr hslf,

no th pctur conncts

Nvr askn' for soon's hlp,

to gt so rspct

H's only focusd on hat h rot,

hs ll s yond rach

And no hn t all unfolds,

th skll of an artst

然后是迪莱,Ths s tnty prcnt skll,ghty prcnt r……

一曲唱罢,办公室里的听众都嗨起来了,“哇哦!”玛丽亚凯莉站起来鼓着掌说道:“音乐旋律很富力量和激情,词也很好,APLUS,你又完成了一好歌,Ths s tn prcnt luck, tnty prcnt skll,Fftn prcnt concntratd por of ll,Fv prcnt plasur, ffty prcnt pan,And a hundrd prcnt rason……”





